Monday, June 29, 2009
That Would be a Great Trick

Friday, June 26, 2009
My Vacation Lessons
Banana Liqueur
Dark Rum
Bailey's Irish Cream
1 oz Banana
Pina Colada Mix
Yes, we were at a bar and had been drinking if you can't tell from our yelling, giggling and over excitement at trying to catch a lobster with a giant claw. The famous Florabama. We went to the Florabama after leaving a bar with "entertainment." We asked the waitress if the "entertainment" was Karaoke night. She looked at us a little funny and replied, "No, that's enter singer's name here." I have video of the singer, who read the words to songs from his computer screen and kept bringing an endless supply of people from the small crowd, including his brother, up to help him sing. Come to mention it, the supply was endless. Including our group of 6 there were only about 12 people at the bar. We were driven away to the Florabama. So my advice is, make sure the entertainment is entertaining in a "Man that guy can sing" way and not a "This is great material for my blog" way. I will not post the video as that just feels wrong somehow.
When you're on vacation, remember to have fun but don't fall back into your old wild ways of smoking and drinking.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
To Dive In or Not to Dive In
The bad thing about night swimming in Florida is it's so dark that you can't tell if your kids are doing underwater tricks or going into convulsions.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What a Way to Spend a Birthday
Immediately after this face plant, Luke declared, "I'm done."
Friday, June 12, 2009
It Might Be Time To Simplify When...

My sister is house and dog sitting while we are in Florida. I wish we could bring Indy, but he will be happy being here with his Aunt Nanny. He will miss the ocean, but at least he has the waterfall in the backyard.
Our lives may be complicated, but he wallows in simple pleasures.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Bad Timing
Friday, June 5, 2009
Racing heart.
Clenched teeth.
Playing the best team in the league.
Everyone's watching.
So much pressure.
Blood pounding loud in the ears.
Block out the crowd.
Bases are loaded.
Two outs.
Two strikes.
Get a hit.
Keep your eye on the ball.
Strike three.
Charlie Browned it. Oh well. Better luck next time.
Time to pitch for the first time ever.
This team is loaded with power hitters.
Best hitters we've seen yet.
Wish it was an easier team.
Batter's ready.
Ball one.
Strike. Yes.
You can do it. Just relax. Focus. Don't worry. It will be ok. Teammates will help. They will help get the outs. Don't worry about Number 12. He is a power hitter. It's ok if he gets a big hit. Almost struck out Number 12. Yes! Keep up the good work. Arm's getting tired. It's ok. Hang in there. Doing great. Relax. Just playing a game of catch. Don't listen to the crowd. Over the top. Throw some strikes. Focus. Relax. Sling it in there. You can do it. It'll be alright.
I wonder what was going through Jack's mind during the game. This is why I never played organized sports. I can't handle the pressure.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
We have tried to strike a balance between informing our children with the information they need to keep them safe in a way that will not make them so terrified they will not want to leave the house.
One of the things that was hard for me to do was let them go to the restroom alone in public places. If it was just Luke and me, we would go into the ladies' room. If it was Jack and Luke and me and no family restroom, I would send Jack and Luke into the men's room together and stand outside until they came out, listening at the door for any suspicious noises.
So the other night when we were out to dinner and Luke had to go number 2, John did the honors and took him to the men's room. He was taking really long and we were close to the restroom so John left him in there. My line of sight only allowed me to see the top of the door opening and closing, though John could see who was coming in and out.
I gave John the "Are you sure?" look. He replied he was giving Luke 2 minutes and then would go check on him. Jack was seemingly oblivious playing his Nintendo DS.
I stared at the little piece of doorway, waiting for it to open and bring my boy safely back to me. It opened. I looked at John. "Just an old man going in," he said.
"Probably someone looking for children to steal," said Jack, never looking up from his DS.
I didn't know whether to bust out laughing or run for the restroom. Did Jack really think every person heading for the restroom was a potential kidnapper? But he didn't seem too worried about his brother, never missing a beat of gameplay. So had we desensitized him to the potential dangers of strangers, or had we made him afraid of everyone?
The old man came out and I sent John to get Luke. He was fine and felt like a big man having done the deed alone. He went back to playing DS, and I went back to praying I will be able to keep my children safe.