I have some traveling to do for work over the next couple of weeks. I probably will not be able to post every day while traveling. I did want to tell you about a couple of things before the craziness begins.
I am running a semi-secret experiment on my husband. I would like to post a running daily update on the experiment, but he reads my blog everyday so that would ruin the experiment. When it's over, I'll include the whole experiment, how it progressed, and what the outcome was. He knows that I am doing this but has no idea what the actual experiment is. It's kind of fun to watch him try to figure it out. Have you ever seen a show where one of the characters is going to get "got" by another character? He drives himself crazy the whole show trying to figure out what is going to happen to him. Turns out, that the only "got" that he was going to get was the one that he did to himself driving himself crazy trying to figure out what was in store. Well, that's not what I'm doing here, so there is a chance John will figure it out before the experiment ends.
Also, I wanted to tell you about a book that I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of on Saturday at my son's soccer game. I met a lovely woman at the game who is the aunt of one of my son's teammates. She is an author and publisher, and provided me with a copy of the book that she recently self-published. The book, Simply Mom (advice from someone who loves you), is a sweet little book filled with snippets of advice and wisdom that this woman and mother wanted to be sure to pass on to her daughters. I think that it is a personal look into her life and love for her daughters, but also good advice for any parent to share with a daughter or son, or to follow themselves for that matter. Check it out at http://www.simplymom.org/.
Good for the soul....
2 weeks ago
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