I was driving home with Jack and Luke Friday night. It was about 7:30 pm. I thought that we would stay up late since I had been out of town all week.
Luke began yawning and talking about how tired he was.
"Do you need to go to bed when we get home?" I asked him.
"No," he said. "I just need some caffeine. Do we have any Diet Coke?"
Good for the soul....
2 weeks ago
Scary what they have figured out..
...they really are watching us. Darn it!
I am glad the airlines let you come back. I was worried. Did your luggage make it?
I'm sure that must have been his father's influence, no?
At least his drink of choice is Diet Coke. Make him wait a few years on the coffee!
ROFLOL!!! Scary what they pick up on.
Mine have never asked for one for themselves, but every time we see any sort of advertisement for Moutain Dew, my 4-year-old asks if I want one. Yeah. I'm addicted. The checkout kid at the grocery store once asked if it was for me or the 4-year-old. I'm like, "Are you kidding me?" When I told him my son didn't like soda (he doesn't like the carbonation), checkout boy said, "Well, maybe you could have him try it again in a few years." Why would I want him to like soda? I know. It's all the good nutrition it's providing :)
LOL! hmmmm I wonder where he would have ever heard that??
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