We had the appointment with the Pediatric Neurosurgeon on Saturday at 8:00 am. That is waaaayyyy too early in the morning to have to think about spinal cord surgery. We were the only family in the office so got an abundance of attention. First, a PA came in and asked Jack several questions and put him through a battery of strength and motor skills tests while the neurosurgeon reviewed his MRI. Then, the neurosurgeon and another doctor came into the room and called John and me into another room to discuss the films. I was hoping we would pass by a toilet on the way so I could puke.
What he told us was that this:

was likely something that Jack was born with, is not all that uncommon, and would likely close itself up as Jack grew. He said he saw nothing obvious that would be the cause of it, no blockage of spinal cord fluid flow, and would recommend another MRI in one year to confirm his diagnosis. Basically, what we had was wonderful news and answered prayers.
As we left the doctor's office and explained to Jack what the doctor said, Jack said, "I knew I would be fine because I have been praying. Will you come to my next MRI, Mom, and rub my feet when they get tingly like you did last time?" So now I need to make an appointment with a cardiologist to repair my melted heart.
But, I do have to say that what really scares me is this:

I wonder if we could turn this image into Jack's next Halloween costume.
Glad to hear all will be well with Jack, back surgery is not fun and takes a while to recoup from (so I am told from friends who have had it).
Normally don't pray a lot myself but have kept you guys in the ones that I do.
YEA!!! So glad all is well. I cannot imagine the heart ache involved with taken your child to that kind of appointment.
That last shot is just to freaky!!!
THe Prayer of a child...What a glorious thing. Great example of having just raw, non tainted, no dought about it, Faith. All our prayers/praise are being answered, just somtimes not the way we exspected. God does have a plan and I am glad to have an all out Faith example. Yes I'm 39 and I CAN learn from a 8yr.old,6yr.old,heck any yr.old:) Thanks for raising such fine world changers! I Love YOu Guy's.....
Praise the Lord for the wonderful news!
And yes - that is a super freaky image and would make a Halloween costume any boy would be proud of!
Want you to know that I have been following along Jack's issues. SOrry I have not been a good friend staying in direct communication with you. Glad to hear this best case scenario news for Jack. Glad to know he has a renewed belief in the power of prayer. My plight in life is trying to explain to little boys why some prayers don't get answered.
I am so happy your prayers were answered!
As for the costume - i'll have to think about it.
I'm really glad the news on Jack was good. Keep up the prayers, you will be in mine.
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