Saturday, April 17, 2010


My blog posting has taken a back seat to work travel and spending time with the family when I am home. The boys haven't stopped being interesting, hilarious, and surprising - I just haven't had the motivation when home to write about it. Maybe soon I'll start again.


joy smith said...

Sounds like you have a busy life!
Hope to see you on here soon!!

Kathy said...

I completely understand. I haven't blogged since January! I still read other blogs though, it's quicker and easier! Good luck.

hope smith said...

That sounds like a good idea.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Hello was just checking out new blogs and I came across yours and I think yours is really cool so I had to become a follower. Come check out mine sometime if you'd like

faith love peace joy

Boys Wellies said...

It's all right! It is better that you set your priorities. Just go on with your career and do the best you can. Good Luck!

Sabrina said...

Have fun with the family, the online world will always wait for you. A hiatus is a good thing, makes you miss what you do=)

teaching resources Mary said...

Thanks for sharing. Nice post

Merry Christmas and hope you have a brilliant year ahead


Sweepstaker said...

You must have been really busy these past few months. I just started reading your blog and it would have been nice to read some of your new posts again.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family and wishing you a great new year! :)