I realized on Wednesday that I hadn't left the house since Sunday. One of the hazards (perks?) of working from home I guess. I had showered everyday, but hadn't wore anything other than sweatpants, hadn't fixed my hair, hadn't put on makeup for three days. Just call me sexy wife of the year.
Since I've been busy at work and John's been available to shuttle the boys to and from school and perform some of the other household responsibilities like grocery shopping, before I knew it three days had passed without me seeing the sun other than through the windows or through the door as I let the dog out. And with the economy the way it is and our tiny budget, we haven't been going anywhere with the boys after school. We've been making our own entertainment around the house after school.
When I realized the extent of my hermitdom, and the extent that I was unbothered by it, I figured I better get my butt out of the house. I joked with the boys about my lack of fresh air and told them I was going to drive them to school. As we left the house, I complained about how cold it was. "It's been this cold all week," said Jack. "You would know that if you left the house."
"That's what the Weather Channel is for."
Good for the soul....
2 weeks ago
It nice every once in awhile to stay home for a day but 3 days is a bit too long :) Really who ever needs to leave the house when we have the internet and food delivery!
I couldn't agree more. I like to experience weather in "real life" when it's above freezing...
Sometimes I have to put on blue jeans just so I'm dressed up. I leave the house just b/c I have to walk the dog.
"You took a shower every day"?? That's a good story, I would stick with that one.
One day is my limit for staying indoors. I do think it has to do with growing up in Southern California where it's almost always nice. After 3 days I definitely would have been stark, raving mad.
Also, being from San Diego, our house have zero insulation so I definitely know what the temp is outside. Our house is colder when it's 50 out then my in-laws in Fargo is when it's 10 out.
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