Anyone that guessed that I might be pregnant - bite your tongue! But unless there has been some reverse surgical procedure performed on my husband in a secret lab somewhere without our knowledge - say after aliens faked an earthquake in St. Louis all for the sole purpose of abducting my husband because they would love to see more of his offspring running around wreaking havoc on this world so it is easier for them to take the Earth over when the time comes - a pregnancy in this house is not likely to occur.
Thanks to all who played. Without further ado, the answer to the "What" is this (sorry for the blurriness):
My son took several markers and drew down the side of his leg. And why did he do this? The answer to the "Why" is this:
He wanted to be able to smell that sweet scent of marker whenever he felt like it without having to carry a marker around. This is him getting one last whiff before I made him scrub it off.
What can I say? He's resourceful. And nuts. Boys are nuts. But then, you knew that already.
This makes perfect sense to me. I am just thankful for your benefit that one of your boys realized this AFTER the portapotty event and extra time wasn't spent there sniffing. anything.
Holly cracks me up.
i love how boys just try to simplify things.
That's funny :)
What a great idea..I should go buy those markers just so I have something pleasant to smell :)
All I gotta say is it's the same as when we were 16 and went to Stix..and put a dab of Polo on our nose so we could smell it all day..and DON'T try telling me you never did that..
Actually, it makes PERFECT sense to me. When I was 6 I was OBSSESSED with the sweet sweet smell of mint lip balm- SOooooo, I smeared it all over my bed sheets so I could smell it in my dreams. PERFECT SENSE. heh
LOL I knew it was a leg... but thought it was paint... and had NO clue as to why! lol
Haha! Awesome!
ROFL!!! At least it was well thought out :) My grown husband doesn't put that much thought into half the things he does :)
that is freaking hilarious!! what a riot!
that is awesome! hehehehe
oh, and not to completely terrify you, but a couple at my church nearly got a divorce when she turned up pregnant SEVEN YEARS after his vasectomy.
and yes, it was totally his kid..
um, don't hit me...please?
LOL. I'll hang my head in shame for being the one to say it, but c'mon... nobody else dared to say it even if they thought it!
And your kiddo is smart to come up with that idea (or maybe boys brains just think of ways to color on themselves without getting in trouble). Maybe you should invest in some scratch-n-sniff stickers. :)
How funny! I guessed markers for the what, but I was wrong on the why. Interesting idea. LOL
l.o.l. that is pretty funny boys can be just that resourceful sometimes though believe me I know I've got 7 between the ages of 9 mos and 13 and the oldest is a.d.h.d. talk about resourceful and hilarious.... woooo-hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!
ROFL! Be glad, though, because having him want to carry the smell around beats the ever-lovin' crud out of having him so obsessed with tattoos that he's already starting to draw them on. LOL!!
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