When exactly did I go from losing to my soon to be 5-year old, who is a genius by the way, on purpose to getting my butt swiftly and unexpectedly kicked?
We were recently playing a game of ConnectFour, and I was trying to win. I really was. I thought it was time that he learned that he can't win every game and that he has to learn the graceful art of losing and being a good sport about it.
The game was progressing pretty quickly. I knew that he wasn't paying close attention, just quickly putting his pieces in and not really watching my strategy. It was my turn, and I raised my piece to block him from getting four in a row.
Luke: I hate to tell you this Mom, but I'm going to win no matter what you do.
Me, noticing with stunned horror that he had not one, not two, but three different ways to win: Are you kidding me? You have three ways to win?
Jack, coming over to confirm my inadequacy: Where? Yep, he sure does. I've never had three ways to win before.
Me: Well, I've never had three ways to lose before.
Luke: Let's play Sequence. It's not so easy to beat you at that.
And here I thought I was teaching him a lesson in how to play games.
A November recap!
2 weeks ago
Please tell me you completed the whole "trading places" scenario by completely losing it, knocking over the Connect 4, scattering pieces far and wide and then having a heel-drumming tantrum on the floor.
They KNOW when you are really trying to win..I TRY..and my husband yells at me, "ease up, he's 8"...Oh No buddy..I like to win and I don't want this whipper snapper beating me at board games...I'M the queen of board games...
Yeah, I guess I get a bit extreme
Loth's comment has me cracking up!!! Your post is funny, too, but it would be hilarious if had finished the way Loth describes.
Ummm, maybe you should have started trying to teach him that a bit sooner? :)
Sorry to hear you lost. My son also finds these situations funny. He's a good teacher too though, he tried to teach me chess, but I just don't get it! LOL Hang in there.
That is too funny!! I have a hard time losingat games except when I relly want the game to end quickly. Smart boy you have there!!
Some how they always manage to outsmart us. They are wiser than we think!
This is exactly why I crush my kids at everything.
LOLOLOL! They can be such little stinkers! Bug still delights in beating me at rummy... NO FAIR! that's MY game!
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